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TV2 Ring Lamps

Lamp Design  


The Rings Lamp was designed to be an elegant addition to the Orangeriet and Tivoli's TV2 studio. 


The building features 5 of these 3.3m diameter lamps whose design reflects the buildings ornamental language.  The Rings Lamps are versatile; both as a functional light for television production or as decorative features for the building at night.  They are is fully dimmable and feature warm and cool light that can be blended to create various lighting atmospheres or expressions.  


Denmark's TV2 broadcasts, Go' Mogen and Go' Aften Danmark  (Good Morning and Good Evening Denmark) daily from Tivoli's Orangery.


Designed while working for Tivoli,


Designed in Collaboration: Will Gurley and Jesper Kongshaug.


Fabricated by: Spektra LED

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